An AccountRoot
ledger entry type describes a single account, its settings, and XAH balance.
Example JSON
An AccountRoot
object has the following fields:
Field | JSON Type | [Internal Type][] | Required? | Description |
| String | AccountID | Yes | The identifying (classic) address of this account. |
| Number | UInt32 | Yes | The sequence number of the next valid transaction for this account. |
| String | Amount | No | The account's current [XAH balance in drops][XAH, in drops], represented as a string. |
| Number | UInt32 | Yes | The number of objects this account owns in the ledger, which contributes to its owner reserve. |
| String | Hash256 | Yes | The identifying hash of the transaction that most recently modified this object. |
| Number | UInt32 | Yes | The [index of the ledger][Ledger Index] that contains the transaction that most recently modified this object. |
| String | Hash256 | No | The identifying hash of the transaction most recently sent by this account. This field must be enabled to use the |
| String | AccountID | No | The address of a key pair that can be used to sign transactions for this account instead of the master key. Use a [SetRegularKey transaction][] to change this value. |
| String | Hash128 | No | The md5 hash of an email address. Clients can use this to look up an avatar through services such as Gravatar. |
| String | Hash256 | No | An arbitrary 256-bit value that users can set. |
| Number | UInt32 | No | Unused. (The code supports this field but there is no way to set it.) |
| String | Blob | No | A public key that may be used to send encrypted messages to this account. In JSON, uses hexadecimal. Must be exactly 33 bytes, with the first byte indicating the key type: |
| Number | UInt32 | No | A transfer fee to charge other users for sending currency issued by this account to each other. |
| String | Blob | No | A domain associated with this account. In JSON, this is the hexadecimal for the ASCII representation of the domain. Cannot be more than 256 bytes in length. |
| Number | UInt8 | No | How many significant digits to use for exchange rates of Offers involving currencies issued by this address. Valid values are |
| Number | UInt32 | No | How many Tickets this account owns in the ledger. This is updated automatically to ensure that the account stays within the hard limit of 250 Tickets at a time. This field is omitted if the account has zero Tickets. (Added by the [TicketBatch amendment][].) |
| String | AccountID | No | Another account that can mint non-fungible tokens on behalf of this account. (Added by the [NonFungibleTokensV1_1 amendment][]) |
| Number | UInt32 | No | How many total non-fungible tokens have been minted by and on behalf of this account. (Added by the [NonFungibleTokensV1_1 amendment][]) |
| Number | UInt32 | No | How many total of this account's issued non-fungible tokens have been burned. This number is always equal or less than |
| Number | UInt32 | No | The number of states on the Hook. |
| Array | Vector256 | No | A unique value to prevent state conflicts between multiple Hooks installed on the same XAHL account. |
| Number | UInt32 | No | The ledger number of the last ClaimReward transaction. |
| Number | UInt32 | No | The ledger sequence number of the last transaction in or out of your account. |
| Number | UInt32 | No | The ledger time the last reward was claimed. |
| String | UInt64 | No | The area under of the balance-time graph for your account since last ClaimReward transaction. |
| Number | UInt32 | No | The account's [Sequence Number][] at the time it minted its first non-fungible-token. (Added by the [fixNFTokenRemint amendment][] :not_enabled:) |
| Number | UInt32 | No | The current sequence number from the importing account on the XAHL Ledger. |
| String | Hash256 | No | |
| String | Hash256 | No | |
| String | UInt64 | No | The account's [Index Number][]. (Added by the [xahauGenesis amendment][] :enabled:) |
AccountRoot Flags
There are several options which can be either enabled or disabled for an account. These options can be changed with an [AccountSet transaction][]. In the ledger, flags are represented as binary values that can be combined with bitwise-or operations. The bit values for the flags in the ledger are different than the values used to enable or disable those flags in a transaction. Ledger flags have names that begin with lsf
fAccountRoot objects can have the following flag values:
Flag Name | Hex Value | Decimal Value | Corresponding AccountSet Flag | Description |
| 8388608 |
| Enable rippling on this addresses's trust lines by default. Required for issuing addresses; discouraged for others. |
| 16777216 |
| This account has DepositAuth enabled, meaning it can only receive funds from transactions it sends, and from preauthorized accounts. (Added by the [DepositAuth amendment][]) |
| 1048576 |
| Disallows use of the master key to sign transactions for this account. |
| 134217728 |
| This account blocks incoming Checks. |
| 67108864 |
| This account blocks incoming NFTokenOffers. |
| 268435456 |
| This account blocks incoming Payment Channels. |
| 536870912 |
| This account blocks incoming trust lines. |
| 2147483648 |
| This account blocks incoming remit transactions. |
| 524288 |
| Client applications should not send XAH to this account. (Advisory; not enforced by the protocol.) |
| 4194304 |
| All assets issued by this account are frozen. |
| 2097152 |
| This account cannot freeze trust lines connected to it. Once enabled, cannot be disabled. |
| 65536 | (None) | This account has used its free SetRegularKey transaction. |
| 262144 |
| This account must individually approve other users for those users to hold this account's tokens. |
| 131072 |
| Requires incoming payments to specify a Destination Tag. |
| 33554432 |
| The TSH pays for the execution of their own Hook Chain. |
| 67108864 |
| This account cannot be deleted after it has issued a URIToken. |
AccountRoot ID Format
The ID of an AccountRoot object is the [SHA-512Half][] of the following values, concatenated in order:
The Account space key (
)The AccountID of the account
Last updated