
Create a payment channel and fund it with an Amount. The address sending this transaction becomes the "source address" of the payment channel.


Added by the [PayChan amendment][].


    "Account": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
    "TransactionType": "PaymentChannelCreate",
    "Amount" : {
       "currency" : "USD",
       "value" : "1",
       "issuer" : "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn"
    "Destination": "rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW",
    "SettleDelay": 86400,
    "PublicKey": "32D2471DB72B27E3310F355BB33E339BF26F8392D5A93D3BC0FC3B566612DA0F0A",
    "CancelAfter": 533171558,
    "DestinationTag": 23480,
    "SourceTag": 11747

If the Destination account is blocking incoming payment channels, the transaction fails with result code tecNO_PERMISSION. (Requires the [DisallowIncoming amendment][] :not_enabled:)

Last updated