Signers List


(Added by the [MultiSign amendment][].)

The SignerList object type represents a list of parties that, as a group, are authorized to sign a transaction in place of an individual account. You can create, replace, or remove a signer list using a [SignerListSet transaction][].

Example JSON

    "Flags": 0,
    "LedgerEntryType": "SignerList",
    "OwnerNode": "0000000000000000",
    "PreviousTxnID": "5904C0DC72C58A83AEFED2FFC5386356AA83FCA6A88C89D00646E51E687CDBE4",
    "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 16061435,
    "SignerEntries": [
            "SignerEntry": {
                "Account": "rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW",
                "SignerWeight": 2
            "SignerEntry": {
                "Account": "raKEEVSGnKSD9Zyvxu4z6Pqpm4ABH8FS6n",
                "SignerWeight": 1
            "SignerEntry": {
                "Account": "rUpy3eEg8rqjqfUoLeBnZkscbKbFsKXC3v",
                "SignerWeight": 1
    "SignerListID": 0,
    "SignerQuorum": 3,
    "index": "A9C28A28B85CD533217F5C0A0C7767666B093FA58A0F2D80026FCC4CD932DDC7"


A SignerList object has the following fields:

The SignerEntries may be any combination of funded and unfunded addresses that use either secp256k1 or ed25519 keys.

Signer Entry Object

Each member of the SignerEntries field is an object that describes that signer in the list. A Signer Entry has the following fields:

When processing a multi-signed transaction, the server looks up the Account values with respect to the ledger at the time of transaction execution. If the address does not correspond to a funded AccountRoot object, then only the master private key associated with that address can be used to produce a valid signature. If the account does exist in the ledger, then it depends on the state of that account. If the account has a Regular Key configured, the Regular Key can be used. The account's master key can only be used if it is not disabled. A multi-signature cannot be used as part of another multi-signature.

{{}} Flags

(Added by the [MultiSignReserve amendment][].)

SignerList objects can have the following flag value:

Signer Lists and Reserves

A signer list contributes to its owner's reserve requirement.

The [MultiSignReserve amendment][] (enabled 2019-04-17) made it so each signer list counts as one object, regardless of how many members it has. As a result, the owner reserve associated with a new signer list is 2 XAH.

A signer list created before the [MultiSignReserve amendment][] itself counts as two objects, and each member of the list counts as one. As a result, the total owner reserve associated with the signer list is anywhere from 3 times to 10 times the reserve required by a single trust line (RippleState) or Offer object in the ledger. To update a signer list to use the new, reduced reserve, update the signer list by sending a [SignerListSet transaction][].

SignerList ID Format

The ID of a signer list object is the SHA-512Half of the following values, concatenated in order:

  • The RippleState space key (0x0053)

  • The AccountID of the owner of the signer list

  • The SignerListID (currently always 0)

Last updated