
Create a Check object in the ledger, which is a deferred payment that can be cashed by its intended destination. The sender of this transaction is the sender of the Check.


(Added by the [Checks amendment][].)


  "TransactionType": "CheckCreate",
  "Account": "rUn84CUYbNjRoTQ6mSW7BVJPSVJNLb1QLo",
  "Destination": "rfkE1aSy9G8Upk4JssnwBxhEv5p4mn2KTy",
  "SendMax": "100000000",
  "Expiration": 570113521,
  "InvoiceID": "6F1DFD1D0FE8A32E40E1F2C05CF1C15545BAB56B617F9C6C2D63A6B704BEF59B",
  "DestinationTag": 1,
  "Fee": "12"

Error Cases

  • If the Destination account is blocking incoming Checks, the transaction fails with the result code tecNO_PERMISSION.

  • If the Destination is the sender of the transaction, the transaction fails with the result code temREDUNDANT.

  • If the Destination account does not exist in the ledger, the transaction fails with the result code tecNO_DST.

  • If the Destination account has the RequireDest flag enabled but the transaction does not include a DestinationTag field, the transaction fails with the result code tecDST_TAG_NEEDED.

  • If SendMax specifies a token which is frozen, the transaction fails with the result tecFROZEN.

  • If the Expiration of the transaction is in the past, the transaction fails with the result tecEXPIRED.

  • If the sender does not have enough XAH to meet the owner reserve after adding the Check, the transaction fails with the result tecINSUFFICIENT_RESERVE.

  • If either the sender or the destination of the Check cannot own more objects in the ledger, the transaction fails with the result tecDIR_FULL.

Last updated