
Create or modify a trust line linking two accounts.



    "TransactionType": "TrustSet",
    "Account": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
    "Fee": "12",
    "Flags": 262144,
    "LastLedgerSequence": 8007750,
    "LimitAmount": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "issuer": "rsP3mgGb2tcYUrxiLFiHJiQXhsziegtwBc",
      "value": "100"
    "Sequence": 12

If the account specified in LimitAmount.issuer is blocking incoming trust lines, the transaction fails with the result code tecNO_PERMISSION. (Requires the [DisallowIncoming amendment][] :not_enabled:)

TrustSet Flags

Transactions of the TrustSet type support additional values in the Flags field, as follows:

If a transaction tries to enable No Ripple but cannot, it fails with the result code tecNO_PERMISSION. Before the [fix1578 amendment][] became enabled, such a transaction would result in tesSUCCESS (making any other changes it could) instead.

The Auth flag of a trust line does not determine whether the trust line counts towards its owner's XAH reserve requirement. However, an enabled Auth flag prevents the trust line from being in its default state. An authorized trust line can never be deleted. An issuer can pre-authorize a trust line with the tfSetfAuth flag only, even if the limit and balance of the trust line are 0.

Last updated