Pay Channel


(Added by the [PayChan amendment][].)

The PayChannel object type represents a payment channel. Payment channels enable small, rapid off-ledger payments of XAH or IOU that can be later reconciled with the consensus ledger. A payment channel holds a balance of XAH or IOU that can only be paid out to a specific destination address until the channel is closed. Any unspent XAH or IOU is returned to the channel's owner (the source address that created and funded it) when the channel closes.

The [PaymentChannelCreate transaction][] type creates a PayChannel object. The [PaymentChannelFund][] and [PaymentChannelClaim transaction][] types modify existing PayChannel objects.

When a payment channel expires, at first it remains on the ledger, because only new transactions can modify ledger contents. Transaction processing automatically closes a payment channel when any transaction accesses it after the expiration. To close an expired channel and return the unspent XAH or IOU to the owner, some addresses must send a new PaymentChannelClaim or PaymentChannelFund transaction accessing the channel.

For an example of using payment channels, see the Payment Channels Tutorial.

Example JSON

    "Account": "rBqb89MRQJnMPq8wTwEbtz4kvxrEDfcYvt",
    "Destination": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
    "Amount": "4325800",
    "Balance": "2323423",
    "PublicKey": "32D2471DB72B27E3310F355BB33E339BF26F8392D5A93D3BC0FC3B566612DA0F0A",
    "SettleDelay": 3600,
    "Expiration": 536027313,
    "CancelAfter": 536891313,
    "SourceTag": 0,
    "DestinationTag": 1002341,
    "DestinationNode": "0000000000000000",
    "Flags": 0,
    "LedgerEntryType": "PayChannel",
    "OwnerNode": "0000000000000000",
    "PreviousTxnID": "F0AB71E777B2DA54B86231E19B82554EF1F8211F92ECA473121C655BFC5329BF",
    "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 14524914,
    "index": "96F76F27D8A327FC48753167EC04A46AA0E382E6F57F32FD12274144D00F1797"


A PayChannel object has the following fields:

Setting Channel Expiration

The Expiration field of a payment channel is the mutable expiration time, in contrast to the immutable expiration time represented by the CancelAfter field. The expiration of a channel is always considered relative to the close_time field of the previous ledger. The Expiration field is omitted when a PayChannel object is created. There are several ways the Expiration field of a PayChannel object can be updated, which can be summarized as follows: a channel's source address can set the Expiration of the channel freely as long as the channel always remains open at least SettleDelay seconds after the first attempt to close it.

Source Address

The source address can set the Expiration directly with the PaymentChannelFund transaction type. The new value must not be earlier than whichever of the following values is earliest:

  • The current Expiration value (if one is set)

  • The previous ledger's close time plus the SettleDelay of the channel

In other words, the source address can always make the Expiration later if an expiration is already set. The source can make an Expiration value earlier or set an Expiration if one isn't currently set, as long as the new value is at least SettleDelay seconds in the future. If the source address attempts to set an invalid Expiration date, the transaction fails with the temBAD_EXPIRATION error code.

The source address can also set the Expiration with the tfClose flag of the PaymentChannelClaim transaction type. If the flag is enabled, the ledger automatically sets the Expiration to whichever of the following values is earlier:

  • The current Expiration value (if one is set)

  • The previous ledger's close time plus the SettleDelay of the channel

The source address can remove the Expiration with the tfRenew flag of the PaymentChannelClaim transaction type.

Destination Address

The destination address cannot set the Expiration field. However, the destination address can use the PaymentChannelClaim's tfClose flag to close a channel immediately.

Other Addresses

If any other address attempts to set an Expiration field, the transaction fails with the tecNO_PERMISSION error code. However, if the channel is already expired, the transaction causes the channel to close and results in tesSUCCESS instead.

PayChannel ID Format

The ID of a PayChannel object is the [SHA-512Half][] of the following values, concatenated in order:

  • The PayChannel space key (0x0078)

  • The AccountID of the source account

  • The AccountID of the destination account

  • The Sequence number of the [PaymentChannelCreate transaction][] that created the channel If the PaymentChannelCreate transaction used a Ticket, use the TicketSequence value instead.

Last updated